Yoga with Adriene and Benji

22 Feb 2019
In this period I was addicted to a new drawing tool on my ipad, which was not great because i am prone to eye strains and headaches from screen overdose. The best thing that has saved me in this period is doing lots of yoga.
I try to take yoga breaks between drawing every half or one hour. Practicing to @adrienelouise’s YouTube videos has a magical healing effect where my fatigued eyes and strained head come out feeling fresh and clear, as she says it’s “hitting the reset button”. The three fav videos i keep coming back to are “Yoga for healthy blood flow”, “Movement medicine – energy practice”, and “Yoga for headaches”. Says a lot huh?
Thank you so much Adriene and team, you have been a real lifesaver.
This illustration was made using Affinity Designer on the iPad.